
    My story    



Friday, July 23, 2010 @ 7:31 AM
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It's Friday!
Time seems to fly very fast. I'm going to Grandma house again, today. Might not be bringing my laptop. I really need to go to my uncle's place to get my charger, like seriously! I'll keep you guys updated with a long post once pictures are ALL in my phone. 
For now, I'm gonna get this bitch's blog popular -


Even if you don't know her, from the way she post on her blog,  you know she's a bitch, or worst, a SLUT
She keep changing links when I tagged on her tagboard using MY NAME. Berani buat, berani tanggung lah. And please, her real name is Amirah Bee (buzzzzz), not the name on her blog. Menyampah tau kalau korang view dia punya blog. Mind me, dia tak kenal Mamat Neeko siapa. Aku personally tanya Mamat, gambar tu semua dia amek dari Facebook orang. And I have the feeling, each and every guy's picture on her blog are those that she don't know. Mygod, taktahu malu kan ni perumpuan? Okbye. 

Kau nak famous sangat kan? Ni aku bagi kau famous gila babi.