
    My story    



Friday, July 16, 2010 @ 2:58 PM
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I spent my day with Fatin, it was a date.
She was hyper and very much irritating today.
She's taking forever just to get herself ready, same goes to me. 
Saw many people today, padehal pergi Tampines mall area je. KENTAL. 
Fatin lah ni, standard, pemalas nak pergi jauh-jauh. We had our meal at Food Culture, both of us ate the same food, Chicken rice cutlet. Heheh.  Tell me now, how much more cuter can we be? It's just the two of us, walking together, holding hands, hug each other, entertain each others crap. Heheh. Sadly, photos are not with me. Bleargh. You guys know what? I was trying to contact Hadi, but I didn't get to retrieve his number when I insert my SIM card into Fatin's phone (as you all know, my battery's low -.-"), then i saw 'Faiz' phone number. I thought it was the 'Faiz' that's Hadi's friend, but it turned out to be another 'Faiz'. And i don't fucking know who the hell is this another 'Faiz', i don't have any idea how the fuck his number landed in my phone contacts. I walked passed sepak takraw's court and i thought i saw Faiz cause from far, it looked like him, with brown hair. But it turned out to be someone else, and NOT FAIZ. What a day for me. 
I reached home goddamn early today, 8.30PM. I'm home early because Fatin met her parents around 8+. So yea. She's a 'goodgirl', paham-paham jelah.