
    My story    



Thursday, June 17, 2010 @ 7:47 PM
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This is today's photo, I wouldn't elaborate about what happen today. 

But Alhamdulliah, everything turns out to be well between me and him.
Although it really hurts me, I just have to do something about him. And thank god, he replied. Like atlast! So, there he goes explaining to me what has been going on all this while. I know i hurt him in some ways, okay no, in ALOT of ways. Like those vulgars I put on him. Calling him this and that. Accused him about alot of things, i'm really sorry about it okay. I hope and wish everyday.♥

And there's this guy, who NEVER fail to put a smile on my face with his sweetness, and the care he showed for me.  He's with me 24/7, to make sure i smile, laugh, happy all the times. Thanks alot. ♥

And now, it's me who's the problem. I need to follow my heart. One says go, another say no. One says leave, another say stay. I'm really confused. I don't wish to hurt anyone, nor i wish to get hurt again. Both gives me hope. A hope that they can make me happy once again. Should i give a second chance to you? OR should i give the chance to be with you? I hope, i wish, you don't put any high hopes on me. ♥ Takkaire loves.