
    My story    



Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 1:00 PM
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Tell me what i wanna hear,

The clock keeps ticking, it doesn't stop for you.
How long more,  baby? I'm sick and tired. Not that I can't wait, or hold on. I AM. But how more long? It doesn't matter as long as I'm happy, but ask yourself, AM I HAPPY? I've been trying to talk things out with you about this. But you just can't be bothered. In the end, i thought about this and i guess, i should stop getting myself hurt. I texted you, I decided to leave, cause I thought that was what you really want, wasn't it? Then, what's the point of trying my best to stick with you, but you don't appeciate all the little things i do for you? You keep giving me reasons. You fight back, you told me that was not what you wanted. Who am i to you? Yes, i'm not your girlfriend, but why am i so afraid to lose you? Cause I ♥ You. But do you? You always ask me, if I'm leaving you, i would say No. But what if at one point of time, i did? Would you fight to make stick with you? Like today, i don't see it.
