Friday, June 18, 2010 @ 6:30 PM
Went to Bugis with Fatin just to accompany her EAT, and it's so nice of her to treat me KFC and Cigarettes. In the end, both of us can't finish up the food. Saw alot of weird people there, i really mean weird. Sometimes, i feel that Singapore ni macam sengket perumpuan.This lazy pig is very lazy till she's so lazy like a pig, know why? Cause she's lazy to walk! Since, it's still kinda early, i planned that we go on a window shop, and roam around. And, we were walking aimless-ly. And sumpah, this is really embarrassing okay. I tripped and ALMOST fall infront of one young malay couple, it's really right infront of them. Malu! Ya nice, Fatin laughed at me. Fuck you! We walked till Marina Square, and bumped to Danny Danpal. *waves hand* He asked me to join him, but i guess, i need to send Fatin off, and will be very lazy to return back. Sorry Gile! Hekhek. Once i reached home, I found out that my Grandma isn't back yet! She's still at her sister's house, you know why? Cause the 3 fat baby sibling are there, cute gile! Sadly, i didn't get a chance to meet them. If not, i cubit the cheeks! Onced home, I talked to MMM ♥. He seems so interested in trying to know me better, and deeper. Much more different than other guys, i can say. Beautiful life.
"Don't give me attitude, cause I'll give it 10 times harder"
I'm pissed off by alot of things right now. How would i not? First, it's about her who stepped on OUR heads. Second, it's about those assholes anonymous. Fuck you all. Let me tell you this, I'm not interested okay. You want to be my friend? YOU JOLLYWELL APPROACH ME PERSONALLY. Takde expressway punya cara okay. Not in this way, messaging me and asking if I'm interested in getting to know you. No way! That's so not me. And which asshole is that, who passed my number around? You make me lose respect for you if i were to know who you are. Number aku bukan bahan rolling eh, dasar pukimak! Piker dengan cara korang message sweet-sweet, aku cair ice cream? Eh, boleh jlat mak kau peh ice-cream la anak sundal. Korang piker aku senang kene bawak macam perumpuan lain yang korang kenal? Salah orang la brother. Tell me, how would i not get pissed off? I've been receiving alot, and I don't even know any off you. I asked NICELY, who do you get my number from? Kawan dekni punye kawan la, ape la, takle bilang name la, ini la, itu la. And the worst thing is, KORANG TAKTAU SAPE NAME ORANG YANG BAGI NUMBER AKU PAT KORANG. Kontol pe? I asked again, NICELY, and the names you said are all UN-FAMILIAR. What was that suppose to mean? Exactly, YOU'RE LYING. Bullshits.
And to this girl,
I guess, Nana really knocked your heads off with all those points. How do you feel now? Good? And please, don't blame anyone else in this. Cause, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S WRONG. Dah salah buat hal salah okay. Nana was being very straight forward in her post on her blog. So, i hope you'll get on the right track, and THINK, using your brain. C'mon, you're big enough girl. We don't have to teach you all the littlest things. Kau da ade KAKAK baru kan, ade bloods kan?
Labels: Fuckyouall.