
    My story    



Wednesday, June 23, 2010 @ 9:13 PM
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"Now I Realised What A Fool I Was For Loving You Back Then."

 *GAY. Even he himself admit he looked like a gay, but i just like this photo.*

There's more photos actually, but this is the photos i've editted so far. Aku tau, kental. SOON, i'll upload more okay. 
By The Way,
Look, isn't my blogskin cute? I wanted to change my skins long ago. But I don't seem to be in any mood for CODES. Not even now, but i just feel like changing, so i decided to settle down with this cute blogskin. Thanks to the designer. I feel simpler using this, atleast. So yea, my tagboard is replaced with Formspring. I know i seems to be some kind of outdated, but hey, I've known about this Formspring long ago okay. The only thing was that, I'M LAZY to create an account. After i created Formspring then I know how easy and simple it was, should have created it long ago. Actually, i also thought of putting my Tagboard too, but it'll looked messy. A formspring will do, sweet and simple. I know I haven't update about Tuesday's date with MMM, okay fake, we're just friends okay! 
Mael & Aini should actually tagged along, but Aini can't make it. So, Mael decided not to join us, just because Aini didn 't make it for that day. Actually, I'm very tired to type and elaborate a long update. But as long as i did, isn't it good enough? So, a rough one will do yea? Okay, me and Meerza planned to meet at 2am, we ended meeting up at 3.30pm. Great! He met me at Aljunied MRT, smoked for awhile and trained to City Hall MRT. We window shopped and crapped alot, like seriously. Went to get my Java Chips at Starbucks and then had our meal at McDonald. Chilled at Marina and then make our way to AMK around 7.30pm. Meet Meerza's friend, Mael and the rest, i don't know who. Make our way to AMK MRT Station at 10.30pm. And this Meerza sent me back to Aljunied, how much sweeter can he be? By the time we reached Aljunied, it's already the last train available. So, he decided to make his way to Paya Lebar MRT, alone. It's just his luck that there's still a bus available to AMK, cause it's 12 Midnight already.
Despite reaching home late, I was still fresh and be able to keep myself WIDE awake till the next morning, 9AM. My eyebags are getting from bad to worst i tell you. Called Aleng at 6.45AM to wake him up as he need to go to work, accompanied him on the phone. And then I went to sleep, woke up at 5PM i think. I didn't have a good sleep that afternoon. Know why? CAUSE MY PHONE KEEPS BEEPING, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. 
 Kbye, Cheyy Mael dah ade blog seh.