
    My story    



Sunday, June 20, 2010 @ 3:20 PM
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I'm heading for a beautiful life ahead, watch me.

Posting for Saturday. 
Here the story goes, I went for my never-met-before-cousin's wedding.
Sounds weird huh? It's true, i never met this cousins's of mine, although our family relations are quite close. We even share the same Grandma. So, why aren't we close? I don't know. Hekhek. 
Actually, i don't know what to post about. 
What i know was, today i fought with 2 guys. Wouldn't mention names here, name jatoh boy gadoh ngan nonok! Tu la, mulut taktau jage kan? Hekhek. Sape yang takde cara sekarang, kau ke aku? Piker 2 kali okay. Zaman bila nak fanatic? 2010 tau sekarang, takmu lupe tau. Tau pulak eh kau salah, nasib baik cakap sorry. Kalau tak.. Hanya tuhan je yang tahu. Everything's settled, mepek je aku ni ungkit-ungkit balik.

Tomorrow going out with Nana Gigi Bogeh, hekhek. I miss her, not forgetting my MMM also.♥
He's been very sweet, can i say much more sweeter, as days passed-by? Aww! And he's also my daily partner at night, the one who keep me company on the phone, till i become sleepy, OR even till i fall asleep. He seems to know me quite well, that makes me interested in him.
Meeting him soon, very soon. See you, loves ♥
